Monday, 29 March 2010


1. Long Cardigan

2. Nefertiti

3. studded flat shoes/ flowery flat shoes

4. loose top

nabung nabung nabung :)

Friday, 26 March 2010


. Who is your best friend?
Hemm, my best friend is my MOM! my mom, not just being my mother but she always share her experience and we can talk anything and i can share my feeling with my mom, i share about boy, friendship, my problem, etc. And she didn't underestimate my problem but she smiling and i can relax just a minutes

 .What is the most experience you cann't forget it?
i can't forget when i fall from bicycle when i was 10 years old, and i got scar in my hand until now  

.What your goals?
oohh. i have a lot of goals, but i hope if in my future i have a cafe like starbucks and i join with my sister because she have a boutique in my cafe. oohh i'm hope it's can be real! And i hope if i can make my parents pround of me and they can abundant life. amin!

. What you read?
Usually i read comic,novel, magazine (girlfriend. go girl, etc)

.Who is your inspiration? 
 Actually until now i don't know who inspiration for me. Ooh i remember! i very glad with struggle Jesus Christ! He wanted to sacrifice himself for us sinners, but we continually sin (including me) :( and i'm like KAKA too, football player. Oke maybe kaka less handsome than beckham, and kaka's life less glamor than Christiano Ronaldo but i glad with him. Why? because he just have a one girl when he's nothing until he famous like now, he just have one girlfriend (his wife now) and he always surrender and pray to God

.who is your fashion icon?
I like everyone fashion! because i really impressed if i see people good looking and cool in they outfits but i'm very like style Taylor Momsen, Leighton Meester, Zooey Deschanel :)

. what is normal clothes you wear?
loose top or blouse and black jeans, flat shoes or sandal and dont forget i wear accessories. i don't like wear t-shirt because i think i look so bigger if i wear it :( 

. What items are always you bring?
walet, handphone, bangles, and tissue .

Monday, 15 March 2010


udah berapa bulan ini gue nga ngeblog, secara gitu udah ada twitter yang menurut gue nga beda jauh sama blog. oh iya follow me ya click here awalnya sih gue ngerasa biasa aja tapi temen2 gue yang udah pada ngeblog lagi bikin gue tertarik buat ikut aktif lagi ngeblog nga mau kalah tenar. okay, now i want to sharing about my feeling!

hemm, mulai dari kemaren ini gue nga ngerti kenapa tapi gue mulai bisa nerima setiap individu dengan hati yang lapang dan ikhlas. selama ini gue cuma tau teori yaitu "tak ada daging yang tak retak" tapi gue nga bisa memahaminya betul2 paling cuma buat apalan pas gue SD. gue ngerasa kalo gue pantes buat nerima yang terbaik. dari keluarga, diri gue sendiri, sampe temen2 gue, sehingga gue dengan gampangnya men-judge bahwa seseorang nga baik dan nga "penting" buat gue maka bisa gue tendang begitu aja jangan ditiru ya tapi ternyata gue salah! gue nga bisa ngeliat bahwa gue sendiri masih sangat banyak kekurangan gue dan biasanya gue ditutupi oleh teman2 ataupun keluarga gue yang perfect di bidang mereka masing2 gue cukup down ketika tahu kalo gue itu nga bisa apa2 :( so, gue mulai berdoa sama Tuhan dan gue cuma minta dua hal sama Dia : KEBAHAGIAAN, KEDAMAIAN. gue berfikir kalo gue penuh damai kayak Dia, gue bisa nerima apapun dengan ikhlas, dan kalo gue bisa nerima apapun dengan ikhlas maka hidup gue akan diliputi dengan kebahagiaan :) and it's true! mungkin gue terlalu kecil pengalaman dan singkat untuk memutuskan bahwa dengan berfikiran positif, kedamaian akan dateng ke gue! :) 

Resolusi pribadi gue :

1. nga boleh nethink (negatif thinking) sama orang

2. jangan terlalu dengerin gosip!

3. dan jangan suka juga membuat gosip :)

4. pasrah kepadaNya

5. percaya semua rancanganNya akan indah pada waktunya

6. selalu TERSENYUM! dan berfikiran POSITIF!